
Old School is a Classic Rock band based in Palatine, Illinois. I love the way Cass (Mike Cassady, drummer) put it in his bio, except I’ll addend it a little bit; “Old School is a team of musical brothers”, who make music because they love it. We aren’t in this for the money or fame; in fact we all have careers, families, and many other things we juggle to make room for this.

One of my friends refers to us as “The Old Guys”, and it’s apropos. If I’m doing the math right, we have 207 years of musical experience collectively. More than experience, though, we have a passion for music that keeps us going, through many challenges and situations, to make music that we love. Our hope is to share this passion with any we get the opportunity to perform in front of, and we hope that’s you!

You can click on any band member in the image below to learn more about them.